HB 373 would allow Correctional Industries to contract with agricultural employers for the expanded use of prisoner labor in the production, harvesting and processing of agricultural goods in Idaho. While expanded opportunities for employment while incarcerated allows for prisoners to earn a valuable skill, build employment connections for use upon release, and earn a wage, current Idaho law exempts prisoners from standard workplace protections, such as worker’s compensation if they were to be seriously injured or disabled while on the job. This lack of generally accepted workplace protections leaves very little recourse for a prisoner who is injured and/or permanently disabled on the job, is released from incarceration and is not provided long-term disability coverage. This then unfairly shifts the cost of protecting prisoner laborers from the agricultural employer to the taxpayers since the Department of Corrections would be liable for providing medical care to the injured prisoner charged under IDOC’s care. 


Idaho Correctional Industries


Lost: Signed into Law



Bill number

